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Dry / salted ricotta prepared with  delactosed milk, created to allow lactose intolerant consumers not to give up the pleasure of tasting our fresh products.

Dry / salted ricotta without lactose

  •  Typical product of the Sardinian dairy tradition, Ricotta salata is produced with sheep's milk whey and salt and then left to mature for 7-10 days. The techniques underlying its processing have remained the traditional ones held by the shepherds and this allows today to obtain a cheese with a characteristic taste and aroma of the Sardinian territory. It should be consumed fresh, ideal as an aperitif or as an ingredient for the preparation of tasty dishes.

  • The salted / dry ricotta must be kept  in the fridge  at 4 ° C. Once the shape has been engraved, the interior must remain in contact with a transparent plastic film to be changed every 5 days. We do not recommend  from  freezing it, it would ruin its characteristics.

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